Part 1 – “A serene story of Salish sun, sea life and scenery”. Join TIDES this summer to explore the ‘Secrets of the Salish Sea‘ tour. The fall sunshine was an added bonus for a day spent on a small boat traveling around the marinas and islands that dot the Salish Sea.
The serious issue was the difficulty of balancing protection of the fragile ecosystem around the Gulf Islands area with ever-increasing use of the water and islands by the seven million people who live around the edges of the Salish Sea. The problems of overuse could easily be seen, but there was also spectacular scenery and magical wildlife appearances reminding everyone of the unique qualities of the B.C. coast. It was a day when nothing could go wrong. Tall ships appeared over the horizon with a tanker steaming in the other direction to put the story in context. Then, of course, there were the whales. A superpod meeting of three pods of southern resident killer whales (Orcas). Who could ask for anything more?
” A serene story of Salish sun, sea life and scenery “
Article by Judith Lavoie
Times Colonist, Oct. 14, 2012
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