A glorious day for a ride about the Saanich Peninsula! TIDES Riders traveled our favourite roads around the countryside of North and Central Saanich. We explore a wonderful area just outside of Victoria, along the Salish Sea through vineyards and farmlands. Fave Roads is a good ride to launch our tour season, combining country roads, woodland trails and bike pathways.
Of course, given the plentiful opportunities for tasting the produce of the land, we stopped a few times to savour and sip the deliciousness. The Saanich Peninsula has bounty to enjoy!
The best part is cruising on an electric bike! Pedego provides a great ride … we gain converts on every trip for sure. We have done bike tours for 26 years. A group on electric bikes is such a treat for our guides … everyone, regardless of ability, gets to stay together. Thus, every rider enjoys the ride they wished for, as hard or easy as desired. Join us for a future ride to get a feel for the fun and experience the joy!
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