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TIDES Group is known as the business “Macgyver” with a Swiss-army knife approach!
Project Management, Facilitation and Executive Assistance
Travel Services
TIDES Group is an active travel planner assisting individuals and groups to design and implement travel to desirable destinations around the world. Additionally, TIDES is a Vancouver Island destination services provider.
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Business Services
Our clients come from different sectors, support different business models and have different aspirations. Our flexibility of approach helps them focus on what they want, when they want it and the way they want it.
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TIDES Group assists organizations across the travel, hospitality, arts & culture and sport sectors. Clients recognize our ability to address change in creative, well-organized methods to achieve the outcomes needed.
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Jen Rashleigh, Director of Community Programs & Engagement, Sandown Centre for Regenerative Agriculture
Mike Williamson, CEO, Cascadia Seaweed Corp.
Denis Paquette, Owner, Sidney Waterfront Inn and Suites
Laura Vizina, Director, Health, Safety and Public Relations Programs, Division of Continuing Studies, University of Victoria
We acknowledge with gratitude we live, learn and work on the traditional territories of the W̱SÁNEĆ people who have been and continue to be the stewards caring for this land
and all life on it for time immemorial.